The Bob Gordon’s ‘Straight Hedge’ Album launch with Scalphunter, The Dark The Light, Blackwitch, Dead Set Dead. The Causeway Bar, Perth. 19-12-2014.


Words and Photos Kim Anderson – Shoot The Wicked Witch.

The Bob Gordons - 'Straight Hedge'It was the album launch for Perth’s drunkest punk brats The Bob Gordon’s. Due to a sudden lack of venues in Perth, The Causeway has opened it’s doors to bands and between the brightly painted wall mural, pinball machines and pool tables there was a fun vibe to the venue.

Before the first band had gone on I had people telling me to go home, not because they feared what awful crap I might write about them or what derp faces I might capture this time with my camera, but because I apparently looked “devastated” due to getting food poisoning about 20 minutes before the show started. If nothing else this meant I actually sat on my ass and watched most of the show, rather than having the camera permanently in front of my face while losing count of how many times I’d been asked if I’d thrown up yet. Band boys, they’re classy!

First up were newbies to the scene Dead Set Dead who rocked the small crowd already gathered at The Causeway with their 1-minute songs. Seriously, you could time cooking your eggs to these songs. It was a particularly hot day and the venue was like a sauna so it was ironic to hear the boys mention having t-shirts for sale while not even wearing their own. Definitely a band to watch out for, they get better each time I see them play and they seemed much more comfortable up on stage and let loose.

Bunbury rockers Blackwitch took to the stage next and vocalist Tim Howe clearly didn’t care about how small the stage was while he jumped, kicked and bounced around screaming like a kid who forgot to take his ritalin.

The Light The Dark were a self-confessed Medicene cover band. Due to copyright issues they’ve had a recent name change. A band that never fail to entertain with their screaming vocals and energy but it was sadly half lost on us as technical faults meant we couldn’t really hear the vocals, but unlike the guys onstage we could at least hear the band themselves.

A band might be good if punters get up close to the stage just to watch them soundcheck. Scalphunter know how to rip it up and before they’d finished the second song bassist Matty Van Leeuwen had christened the venue and broken the stage falling into the audience. Vocalist Stephen Knoth spent the entire set on the floor captivating the audience but not to be outdone guitarist Alex Cotton ran around the room to sing from on top of the pool table and climbed the stage and ran up to the top, I was honestly waiting for someone to break their neck.

It was time for The Bob Gordon’s to come on and the room was hard up against the stage ready and waiting. They opened their set with Too Drunk and everybody was dancing but the band stopped part way through as they couldn’t hear themselves, or as singer Tom Manton put it – it was Bob’s fault and bassist’s aren’t important. Most of the set was met with heckling from their drunkest fan Andrew who kept shouting at them to play a good song when he wasn’t throwing beer cups and accidentally flicking switches off or trying to grope bassplayer Bob Gordon. Honestly, if you weren’t at the front of the stage you probably missed most of the action. The finale was met with half of the audience up on stage with the band dancing and having the time of their lives.

The Bob Gordon’s are now on an indefinite hiatus. Hopefully it’s not for too long because these fella’s know how to rock out and entertain a crowd!